Getting Ulysses to publish to a custom WordPress blog

Do you get an error message while trying to publish a post to your blog directly from Ulysses? I did.

As I could not find what was going wrong, I created a dummy blog from scratch, to no avail: I was getting the same error message. But at least there was a good news there: I now was certain the problem was lying somewhere between Ulysses and/or WordPress, not in one of the many plugins and security enhancement I use on my live blog.

After a bit of googling, it appears the problem is related to WordPress, not Ulysses. More info here–with many thanks to Hans Bruins for sharing his findings with us. Go read his explanations on why it doesn’t work as expected. Here is the quick fix to the problem:

  1. Rename the “your-blog-url/xrmlrpc.php” file to something you alone will know, let’s say “odysseus.php”.
  2. Install the Rename XMLRPC plugin.
  3. FTP to the newly created wp-content/plugins/rename-xlmrpc directory, and move the rename-xlmrpc.php file from there to the root of the plugins directory.
  4. Now the tricky part starts: open this rename-xlmrpc.php file and locate a line containing “xmlrpc2.php” (line #14 in the screenshot):
  5. And replace this name by the name you gave to your xml-rpc.php:
  1. Save. Go to your WordPress admin and activate the Rename XMLRPC plugin.
  2. Done. Ulysses should now be able to publish to your blog, when using the new file name in its settings:

A big thank you too to my host, Monarobase, for his support and advice: you saved me hours ❤️

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