“The Martian Chronicles” Read by Ray Bradbury

![Martian Chronicles audiobook, read by Ray Bradbury](http://davidbosman.fr/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RayBradburyMartianChronicles.jpg)

Nice finding in one of my old iTunes account I was about to delete: a bunch of audiobooks, including *The Martian Chronicles* read by Bradbury himself.

Random House produced it, and it’s from Audible.com. I could not find much else about it, besides [this webpage](https://www.learnoutloud.com/Catalog/Literature/Contemporary-Literature/The-Martian-Chronicles/2292). If by any chance you have more info, [contact me](https://mobile.twitter.com/david_bosman).

What bugs me is that I can’t find any trace of this book, or the other that were waiting for me in this old iTunes account, anywhere in my Audible Library. That’s odd, because many of the audiobooks I’ve purchased along the years on Audible have since then been removed from the shop, but all are still available in my Library for download.

Is it possible I had purchased these directly through iTunes, hence them being backed up by Apple but not appearing in my Audible account? Whatever, I’m glad I found them, this one in particular, *and* I’m glad Apple is so much more reliable than me regarding backups.

Having been an Audible customer since around 2001, it means these books might be 17 years old? No way, I can’t be that old 😛

Maybe I should look for some way to strip the files from their DRM, even if it’s not planned anymore to close this account. And seeing how Apple has preserved them for me–despite my own carelessness–it’s not like there is any urgency in backing them up either.

So, if you’ll excuse me, I think Ray’s been waiting long enough to tell me his next Martian chronicle 😉